
Predicted by the director of the CSPF of Razavi Khorasan Province:
Retirement of 7400 employees in eduction in Razavi Khorasan Province By the end of 20 March 2022

Assigned by the ruling of the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare;
Assignment of the responsibility of implementation of the law "publication and free access to information" to Mr. Motorchi

Congratulation message sent by the CEO of the CSPF for the success of Laborers' sports team
Winning more than 40 colorful medals indicates the power of the workforce of Iran

Put forward in the meeting with members of the Parliament's Committee on Industry in Assaluyeh
Attention to the petrochemical industry will make Iran needless from exporting oil till the next 10 years / Obstacles in the way of implementation of Jam Petrochemical development plans need to be removed.

Double power of the Iranian work force in the field of production and sport

Implementation of 13 financial aid plan and increasing 24 percent in the retirement purchasing power from 20 March 2020 to 20 March 2021.

How did enterprises of the CSPF reverse the trend of increasing dependence to the government?